On behalf of the National Council of Negro Women- San Diego Chapter, Thank you for stopping by. I hope that your journey through our website provides you with a thorough understanding of our legacy, mission and wonderful Sisterhood.
NCNW’s founder Mary MCLeod Bethune was a visionary leader, educator and civil rights leader. She understood that without education, family and character, poverty was inevitable. She once said, “I believe that the greatest hope for the development of my race lies in training our women thoroughly and practically”, and she worked tirelessly in that pursuit. Today, NCNW continues to carry on her amazing legacy.
I am humbled and honored to represent NCNW-San Diego Chapter as their President. These Phenomenal women, encompasses a variety of backgrounds and spans multiple generations. We have educators, attorneys, medical professional, community leaders, homemaker, business owners, pastors and sorority members. We stand committed and united to making positive change in our community now and for future generations.
NCNW’s most valuable assets are the Women who make up our members. These women embrace our organization’s mission to make a difference in the lives of others. Although NCNW was founded for women of color, women of all ethnic backgrounds are encouraged to join. I encourage you to learn more about our organization and feel confident that at the end of your visit, you can envision yourself as a part of our Team.
Lastly, I am asking every member to hold on to your ‘corner of the table’ and see to it that it is balanced. Be determined like the four who carried the man sick with palsy through the roof to get him to Jesus. Be determined to see our section grow; not just in numbers but ‘in the work’, be determined to see our sections’ Youth group grow in charity and in grace! My favorite saying of Dr. Bethune ends with these powerful words “…I won’t rest until each of my little boys & girls have had ample opportunity to prove their self-worth!” My sisters, will you join me and together…..let’s make it happen? There is power in TOGETHERNESS!!!!
Will You Join Us!
Helen Edwards, President
NCNW San Diego Section
“Faith is the first factor in a life devoted to service. Without it, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible" - Mary McLeod Bethune